Member Induction

The following pages make up the Member Induction which must be completed by all members. Check the membership page for the joining and keyholder process.

This page is divided into three sections. The Rules section is mandatory for members to comply with. Please read the Risk Assessments and the Procedures & Reference section.

The main Inductions & Processes page is linked to from the front page of the SoMakeIt website for future reference.

Note that the Workshop Induction is separate.


  1. List of general Makerspace rules
  2. Keyholder Responsibilities
  3. Clear desk & clear floor policy
  4. Members storage policy
  5. Working at height safety rules
  6. Accident/near miss reporting
  7. Fair use Policy

Risk Assessments & Induction Info

  1. General Risk Assessment for using the space
  2. Laser Cutter Induction & Risk Assessment
  3. Resin Printing Induction & Risk Assessment
  4. 3D Printing & Risk Assessment
  5. COVID 19 Risk Assessment
  6. COSHH cupboard Risk Assessment

Procedures & Reference

  1. How we make large changes to the space
  2. Small Purchases process
  3. Grievance procedure
  4. Fire Evacuation Plan
  5. CCTV
  6. What is a Trustee ?