Please refer to the manual for this tool, and read the Risk Assessment Below

Date of Assessment | 01/12/21 | Version | 1.0 |
Activity | Drilling a range of materials | ||
Equipment | Pillar drill | ||
Details of activity | |||
Induction / Role Required | None | ||
Form completed by | Chris Nash | Checked by |
- This risk assessment is intended to provide guidance on the risk associated with the above equipment and activities in normal use.
- Please also check general risk assessments for the area within which this equipment or activity is based.
- Any discrepancies, errors or concerns should be raised with the document authors, area specialists (e.g. admins, superusers) or trustees.
Understanding Risk Rating:
Risk Rating Action LOW Ensure current control measures are in place and continue with activity MED Control measures may be adequate, co-supervision is recommended HIGH Do not undertake activity without further consultation with area specialists |
Risk Assessment
Identify Hazards | Who may be harmed and how | Severity | Control Measures | Likelihood | Risk Rating |
Something with the potential to cause harm | Users, bystanders or particular at risk groups | Low / Medium / High | What is in place to reduce the harm or likelihood. | Low / Medium / High | |
Incompetent user | User, Bystander | HIGH | Users must not use tools that they are not competent to use. Members must challenge use that they believe is dangerous. Users must read the user manual where applicable. Users must read the risk assessment before using a tool. Users will be advised during induction which tools they will need supervision or an induction to use. | LOW | MED |
Contact With Drill Bit | User – serious harm | HIGH | Only make adjustments to the pillar drill when the machine is switched off. Ensure chuck is tight before switching drill on. Ensure drill guard is in place before switching drill on. Do not put hands into exclusion zone (within 10cm of drill bit). Do not leave pillar drill running when not in use. | LOW | MED |
Drawing in (being pulled into the drill) | User of the tool – serious harm | HIGH | User of the pillar drill should not wear gloves, ties, scarves, or other long flowy clothing that could get pulled into the drill bit Do not put hands into exclusion zone (within 10cm of drill bit). | LOW | MED |
Drill bit snatching or jamming | User, bystanders – serious harm | HIGH | Use the correct type of bit depending on the material being drilled. Do not exert heavy pressure on drill press handle. Ensure a visual inspection of the pillar drill is undertaken before every use to check for physical obstruction | LOW | MED |
Noise | User of the tool, users of the room. | MED | Ear protection is advised. | LOW | LOW |
Dust (inhalation, fire, explosion) | User of the tool, users of the room, the space – breathing difficulties/irritation | LOW | A respirator or mask should be used whilst operating this tool for prolonged persionds | LOW | LOW |
Flying splinters | User of the tool, users of the room. – Eye injury | MED | Eye protection must be worn in the room | LOW | LOW |