The space often needs small items consumables or replacements which need to be purchased. The following is a formal outline for the process we have implemented so that members are empowered to request items for the space as and when they are needed. The amounts relate to the value of each individual item and not a combined total of items. Trustees will look at necessity and the number of members that will see use from these purchases and will evaluate them on an item by item basis.
Small purchases of consumables and tools
- For purchases less than £50, ask permission from trustees via #treasury channel on slack or via email – Only 1 trustee is required to approve a purchase of this size. Once permission has been granted, order the item and fill in the expenses form on the links page of the members area. Expenses will be paid within 7 days. If you are not able to purchase the item yourself, trustees will purchase the item/s and claim back expenses.
- For purchases greater than £50 and less than £100, ask permission from trustees via #treasury channel on slack or via email. 2 trustees are required to approve a purchase of this size. Once permission has been granted, order the item and fill in the expenses form on the links page of the members area. Expenses will be paid within 7 days. If you are not able to purchase the item yourself, trustees will purchase the item/s and claim back expenses.
- For purchases greater than £100 and less than £250, ask permission from trustees via #treasury channel on slack or via email. 3 trustees are required to approve a purchase of this size. Once permission has been granted, order the item and fill in the expenses form on the links page of the members area. Expenses will be paid within 7 days. If you are not able to purchase the item yourself, trustees will purchase the item/s and claim back expenses.
- For purchases greater than £250, a subcommittee must be formed and members consulted via the large change process.